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I thought it t was a pun on 3GPP.

That’s only credible if we’re to believe that they know literally nothing about the market they’re entering.

I think, especially in the wake of EFF's Fog Data broker investigation, the idea that drug dealers are the only market for a tracking resistant mobile device is untrue. (Although I guess I'd buy that drug dealers are more receptive than the general public to something branded as "PGP."

But I'm one of those strawmen on the other side of this debate (a journalist) and such a product is appealing to me. If it's not appealing to the general public that is IMO a lack of education on the topic.

That said, I have not reviewed how this is particular thing is supposed to work, and my assumption is that it is An0m v2 until proven otherwise. Additionally, doesn't Signal require a phone number to sign up? If this service provides no phone number how does that work?

General public isn’t going to spend $1k+/yr on a SIM card to avoid data brokers.

Yeah, you might sell to a few rich nerds from HN. But for each of those you’ll get tens of drug dealers and other organised crime.

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