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I see lots of new tracing options these days, and that seems to have taken over the "APM" term.

I still have yet to see new profiling options. When I think of APM, I think of CPU profiling and automatic instrumentation of black box systems, not request tracing. I should be able to see which function calls are slow/problematic, without having to add code to the application.

I use memory profiling with Go and it is indeed very useful. I think that whatever Go already provides is enough, but I guess Uptrace could try to automate some things and/or provide some fancy UI.

But I find CPU profiling a lot less useful, because production profiles tend to be too broad and it is hard to make sense from them, for example, Uptrace profile mostly consists of memory allocations and network calls.

So I would not say that CPU profiling is superior/better/can replace tracing.

Tracing is a piece of the puzzle and necessary. Profiling occupies a different part of the monitoring ecosystem.

I think there is some interesting work being done with eBPF in the profiling space

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