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> This adaptation leaves a dull impression.

I got the same impression as far as the story and dialog goes (-"You have not seen what I have seen.", -"Yes, I have!", - "No, you haven't!"). I am trying to like Galadriel but she's just too different than the movie or the book version, so it's a struggle for me.

However, I do like special effects and the costumes. I like how they did the ship sailing to Valinor. It's not how I imagined it when reading, but it's still interesting.

Khazad-dûm in the second episode looked pretty epic, I thought. The wife could have used a beard :-) but, oh well, not not a big deal.

She is 6,000 years removed from the Lord of the Rings though, and this is before she acquired her great ring, and the responsibilities that went with it. I think it makes sense that we see her in a younger, more raw form.

Yea, if you look at elves in the books, they made a bunch of crazy mistakes all the time. In LOTR they are all calm, wise and peaceful, but that's after several millenia of massive screwups.

The dialogue could have used a couple more passes to be more subtle and cleverly written.

It is important to remember that Tolkien was like a British gentleman: well-mannered with a sharp wit. All of his characters have that same coloring to them.

> I got the same impression as far as the story and dialog goes (-"You have not seen what I have seen.", -"Yes, I have!", - "No, you haven't!").

These lines are actually referencing things in the history of that universe, they aren't empty.

> However, I do like special effects

The trolls body movements in Ep1 took me out of the show, the CGI looked worse than most games. But agreed otherwise they did a good job production-wise. It didn't lean too heavily into the New Zealand Peter Jackson style while still keeping it on point.

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