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This feels different though.

(a) Most of the angry people haven't even watched (!) the few episodes (!!) that are out.

(b) I'm not sure most of the outraged are Tolkien fans. It honestly feels more like dog piling / mob hysteria.

When did we become consumers of visual media where "I don't like it, and I haven't and won't watch it" is a valid position to publicly kvetch about?

I've seen several memes presented to me by Facebook, since it's normally the kind of content and subject matter I'd consume, counseling people to not even "hate-watch" it. So there is some variety of blind opposition or boycot afoot, and shockingly, the comment sections very frequently come back around to color-blind casting.

How do you know they haven’t watched it?

Because they said so?

> "Now after all this rant: I didn't watch rings of power, and I don't plan to, why soil a good memory and good mental mythos I have of that world?"

> "I watched up till the intro credits of episode one. It seems... OK?"

> "I watched the trailer and I didn't watch the show yet, but I if it follows the trend, I imagine what I will find. I don't know if I will watch it."

> "I found the first episode very long drawn and boring. Wanted to leave a review but Amazon told me: "please watch till the end to leave a review". Not going to torture myself just to leave a review."

> "I’ve only watched one episode, but that episode was not good."

> "That begin said, I haven't watched any RoP, the "nothing" could be complete fluff because the story is too thin."

> "I don't think I'll be watching this series at all based on what I've read in the comments here."

> "zero sympathy here; Tolkien reader; not watching this media at all.. zero"

> "I don’t known about others, but I really don’t want to watch this show now."

Am I the only one that seems weird to? Like, watch it and have whatever opinion you feel! But when did not watch it and have a strong opinion become a valid option?

Some of the reviews were posted before the episodes were even released.

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