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Do you really think they won't get a massive fanbase just because of the outrage of a couple thousand anonymous strangers on the internet?

As far as I can tell, outrage over controversial changes to the IP (e.g. Game of Thrones, The Last of Us 2, Star Wars 7-9) is _positively_ correlated with popularity.

Fans have completely abandoned GoT after the last season.

The Star Wars Trilogy critically flopped and only 5x their budget compared to +20x for the original trilogy.

The follow up Star Wars content didn't really work out besides the Mandalorian maybe.

The Foundation series is a complete flop as well.

I think it's not as big as it could have been. They might still be successful in terms of views (although that's yet to be seen), but I think that might be because a lot of people are giving it a chance. We'll see how it does towards the end of the season.

I'm not saying it will or won't be popular. I'm saying the quality of the writing according to "proc0" is not going to have any impact on the situation.

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