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> Tesla has a path to economies of scale: they already announced that if Dojo works as expected they'll make it available to others as an AWS-style service.

"If we manage to put together a working processor, supporting hardware, OS, and possibly ad-hoc programming language, our next step is to also develop a bunch of web services to provide cloud hosting services."

Not very credible. As if the key to offer competing cloud hosting services is developing the whole hardware and software stack.

And network infrastructure, isolation between customers, scheduling hardware allocation, etc etc running one own data enter is quite different than inviting all sort of third parties in.

Yeah, but it’s not like this is rocket science or anything.

> Yeah, but it’s not like this is rocket science or anything.

The key difference between this goal and SpaceX is that Elon Musk bought a private space company that already had the know-how and the market presence in a market with virtually no competitor.

In this case, Tesla is posting wild claims about developing the whole vertical integration of the whole tech stack barely over mining semiconductor raw materials, with which goal? Competing with the likes of AWS, Google, and Microsoft, on a very niche market?

Digging holes in the ground is hardly rocket science as well.

He did what? The pre-existing know-how to build reusable rockets? Are you confusing SpaceX and Tesla?

Ever since Elon became the world's richest man people like this have showed up. I don't know if they have been misinformed or if they just want to say negative things about billionaires. But the early history of SpaceX is very well documented in the book liftoff if anyone wants to know the truth.

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