Is this what DHH and Rails did with Hotwire Turbo and their native iOS/Android libraries to allow you to use identical server rendered HTML content that you use for your web site in native mobile apps without needing to write native apps beyond a shell or whatever native controls you want to opt-into using?
They've been doing this with Turbolinks for years (I think it was first mentioned in a 2016 Railsconf keynote), seems like a good pattern. I'm so happy DHH came up with this pattern, especially the idea of leaning heavily on HTTP (not Websockets) and sending HTML over the wire for fast page updates.
They've been doing this with Turbolinks for years (I think it was first mentioned in a 2016 Railsconf keynote), seems like a good pattern. I'm so happy DHH came up with this pattern, especially the idea of leaning heavily on HTTP (not Websockets) and sending HTML over the wire for fast page updates.