My assumption was that you ship the server software together with the desktop software, maybe could even be one file. So running the binary runs the server + open the UI, shutting everything down when the UI closes.
You can do something similar with Tauri in Rust, so you get a desktop application communicating via local http in just one binary.
Yes, I’ve done this with LiveView and Tauri and it works.
At the time, the barrier to my investigations was LiveView interop with component frameworks. Even Ionic Vue was tricky to get the re-rendering right.
Having a native framework ontop of liveview unlocks shipping it for desktop apps. Bundle a local first database and you have a highly productive stack for building snappy, small bundle, native apps with web technologies.
You can do something similar with Tauri in Rust, so you get a desktop application communicating via local http in just one binary.