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If this is like react native except where most of the logic is server-side (but sends down some kind of native DOM that gets rendered natively), I'm sold.

This seems to be a more detailed link: https://dockyard.com/blog/2022/09/01/dockyard-r-d-build-elix...

Eww, that page renders “post not found” (though with a 200 response), and then replaces it with the actual content via client-side scripting. The effrontery of the header text “It looks like you’re checking to see that we’re server-side rendering. We are!” is palpable.

This is a MUCH better link, thank you for sharing.

That should be the post link. The current link doesn't really explain anything at all.

Yes, that is what it is.

For the last few months as we’ve been adopting liveview more. I’ve been researching what would be needed to build something like this in my spare time since we have much more elixir talent than react native.

So glad you guys have been working on this. Very excited and looking forward to trying it out next week.

We will likely adopt this and make a bet on it.

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