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I think without realising it, you're exemplifying my point.

Why improve our shitty system when the improvement isn't the exact thing you personally want?

Because "true PR" wasn't on offer, people voted no and we have basically no democracy at all.

Because there was no cheap, easy, clean, 100% supported energy supply on offer we end up reliant on Russian gas.

Because Corbyn was not the messiah, better elect Boris.

We're about to do it again with Kier.

This is the british disease: people would rather have something terrible and moan, than something better but not perfect.

People voted no because the same people who ran the Brexit campaign told them not to, with the backing of all the newspapers.

That would have been harder if they'd given a better option, so they didn't.

People should have voted yes, it was the smart best thing to do, but they didn't. Some of them are just idiots, but most were just bamboozled into thinking they would get more money for the NHS by people who hate the NHS.

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