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Show HN: I made a custom news aggregator that updates automatically (nuntium.co.uk)
11 points by iloverss on Aug 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
Hello HN

I visit a few sites news sites daily and wanted to see the headlines all on one page and also have it update itself throughout the day. It is not finished yet, but is usable enough to share.

If you want to make a custom page, you can click the 'build your custom page' at the top, and select the feeds that are of interest to you.

I haven't implemented it yet, but the feeds can be re-ordered as well, you just need to enter their names in the address bar, for example to show Tech Meme, BBC News and Tech Crunch you would write: nuntium.co.uk/f/?tm,bbc,tc

Then bookmark that link to visit it later.

It is very minimal and no login or account is required. It is very gentle on the sites it polls - it only polls them once every five minutes at the moment.

I'd love to get some feedback on what other people think and if there are any feeds you would like to see on there please let me know and I will add them on :)

I loved it.

I have some comments to make.

On hacker News feed you link the external link, however on Reddit feed you link the comments link.

I think the approach in this case could be consistent. Eg: Always link the external link, but provide a supplementary link to access the comments (when available). For example, the comments/discussion link could be an icon, something along this:


In reddit case, same thing. Link the external link and add a secondary link to access the discussion thread.

Thank-you, that is really helpful - I like the icon approach - it would add access to comments, but also keep the interface clean.

Glad you liked it too :)

I'm going to get on this. I'm really interested in the subject of how we can make news feeds our own again. This was my last question to HN:


The Commentary Magazine podcast yesterday made some pretty phenomenal points about how media no longer situates itself in any way other than aggregating riled-up audiences, but also about how and why it was possible in the age of national broadcast news hours for those news channels to put their politics aside to each appeal to 1/3rd of the national viewership.


Looks really good, will definitely use it from now on!

Two things:

1. Any insights/source on how you gather the feeds and how you "decide" what comes on your page and what not?

2. Will there be something to filter out "ads" like : "Todays best deals..."? I found a few articles that were interesting but this "deals" thing disturbed the pure minimalism and less noisy webpage.

Oh and maybe a timestamp when the feeds were gathered.

have you ever think in a minimalistic format like https://legiblenews.com/ ?

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