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Sometimes, there's value in providing a standard way of doing things. Even if it isn't perfect in all cases (or even a median case), then at least most people coalesce around how it's used and its limitations.

But yeah, sometimes it's better to have options. If it's common functionality though, there will likely be 1000 different implementations of it that all just slightly differ [0]. Perhaps it were better for that effort to be put into making the standard better.

I don't think there's a universally correct answer by any means, but for something so common as bitflags, I think I personally lean towards having a standard. Replacing an implementation wholesale feels like it should be reserved as a last resort.

Either way, I think mature pieces of software (languages especially) strive to provide a good upgrade path. Inevitably, the designers made something that doesn't match current needs. Even if it's just that "current needs" changed around them.

[0]: And if we subscribe to Sturgeon's Law, 90% of those are crap, anyway. Though they might not appear so on the surface...

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