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Note that this admits strategies where nothing of consequence is ever delivered (but each deploy has some quantifiable and measured churn), and the people that break stuff get credit for fixing the stuff they broke.

I've watched this particular breed of organizational cancer destroy many companies and products.

The end game is that people creating useless, but highly visible churn get promoted, as do the ones that repeatedly break stuff. Even if that doesn't happen, the engineers that want to build stuff inevitability flee.

That's where value chain management comes in. If you can't show business value being delivered, there's no point to any of it.

It's also worth acknowledging when you don't need DevOps. Banks, for example, shouldn't need it. Their entire purpose is to be slow and reliable. Most of their money is literally just old people keeping lots of money in one place and not touching it. They shouldn't need to churn on features and ship constantly.

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