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The YouTube app for tvOS is a perfect example of this. Every single release that fixes one annoying bug introduces another equally annoying bug.

Just this summer, we went through these bugs one after the other:

1: Putting the ATV to sleep after finishing a video results in in a black screen with the video's audio playing from the beginning. This can be rectified by backing out of the video.

2: Putting the ATV to sleep while watching a video will cause the video output to freeze for 10 seconds or so when the ATV is turned back on. Eventually tvOS recognizes the app as unresponsive and kills it.

3: "Right" on the circle pad can no longer open the subscriptions tab, even though it still works on all other tabs. You have to use the center button.

4: When starting video playback, the first several seconds of sound are cut off, requiring the user to rewind if they contained anything important.

I don't think any of these issues existed simultaneously. Issue 4 started happening with the exact same release that fixed issue 3.

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