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Kons-9 update – 3D Common Lisp system on macOS and Linux (github.com/kaveh808)
5 points by kaveh808 on Aug 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments


I previously posted about the kons-9 3D graphics project and making it open source.

Since then there has been a wonderful turnout of interest and volunteers and contributors and we are on our way.

We have just finished moving the system from CCL to SBCL and it now runs on MacOS and Linux.

Always looking for feedback, developers, and people who may have use for such a system. I feel having clients of a project is a good motivator, though we have no shortage of ideas ourselves. :)

I have written about the history, motivation, and development of this project here: https://kaveh808.medium.com

A demo of a very early version of the system can be seen here: https://youtu.be/NJe4isZ7NHI


great work !

Thank you. Hope you are able to try out the demos.

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