Yeah I never really got the whole "ableist" thing; for example, obviously someone who can't see is less capable of performing visual tasks than someone who can. Does that mean shipping a device with a screen is ableist because not everyone can take advantage of the fact that it has a screen?
I know many people that are sensitive on this issue and none of them would call that ableist.
I'm sure they exist but focusing on the extremes of a movement don't do anyone any favors
For example, most people on this site are a fan of open source. How would they feel if anytime the subject came up people talked only about the ideas of Stallman?
> I know many people that are sensitive on this issue and none of them would call that ableist.
I think this overton window keeps shifting and there is no one courageous to say "No, this is unreasonable". It is not just happening in this one instance but the entire culture; we have now instituted things like "birthing persons". We can't even call "Fathers" and "Mothers" anymore. We are too coward to speak up and risk our jobs. The chilling effect is real.
This house of cards is going to fall hard and fast.