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Physical or mental pain and anguish

A lot of devout believers experienced mental anguish when hearing the earth wasn’t the center of the universe.

And yet it moves.

So we need Big Brother to protect us from facts that will harm us.

We need the government to protect us from a lot of things that can harm us.

The next step then is the government deciding what will harm us, so we can be protected. And then you got a very nice little fascist country that runs perfectly, and the trains run on time to move all those harmful people away from where good people live. Out of sight, out of mind.

The government already decides that. That’s what laws are. Why are you speaking rhetorically?

And as time progresses, new laws are no longer common sense ("don't steal, don't murder"), but become increasingly cumbersome, while still acceptable ("don't drive a vehicle unless we license you for vehicle use") and ultimately problematic ("You can't own sulphuric acid"). Before too long, laws become criminal, and those must not be obeyed ("You have to believe this or that, or at least shut up about what you really think, because doing otherwise may hurt people").

Too many laws make everyone a criminal, for eventually, everyday, innocent behaviour becomes criminalised.

When you arrive at thoughtcrime, it already is too late.

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