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I think it's important to consider the context for this advice, which is introduced in the opening: dwindling funding and competition out to kill your company.

Presumably, the advice that follows is a direct result of those constraints. However, if you don't have those constraints, I don't think you need to grind yourself to the bone.

Yes, there will always be competition looking to eat your lunch. Is getting to market first and fastest the most important thing? Depends on the product. All-encompassing social media platform? Yes. High quality saas tool? Perhaps not. In most markets, there's always room for competitors, and even if you become an underdog, producing stable, affordable, high quality software can make you a serious competitor to a company 10x the size who is constantly breaking things and pissing off their users.

Also consider the idea itself may be ahead of its time, which means slower development would be an advantage.

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