Researchers are asked to carefully consider the potential implications (including inadvertent consequences) of research on human groups defined by attributes of race, ethnicity, national or social origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs, age, disease, (dis)ability or other status
Say there’s an article coming out clearly disproving racial differences. Will the researchers be “carefully considering the potential implications” of this finding on people with national-socialist persuasions?
It is after a finding negativity affecting a group of people defined by, and I quote “political or other belief”.
Or is it only the correct political beliefs that one must be “carefully considering the potential implications” of?
If that’s the case, can I please know who decides the correct political beliefs?
Researchers are asked to carefully consider the potential implications (including inadvertent consequences) of research on human groups defined by attributes of race, ethnicity, national or social origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs, age, disease, (dis)ability or other status
Say there’s an article coming out clearly disproving racial differences. Will the researchers be “carefully considering the potential implications” of this finding on people with national-socialist persuasions?
It is after a finding negativity affecting a group of people defined by, and I quote “political or other belief”.
Or is it only the correct political beliefs that one must be “carefully considering the potential implications” of?
If that’s the case, can I please know who decides the correct political beliefs?