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Sorry but hearing what he said on Lex's podcast about how he aims to solidly work for 10 hours a day or something crazy I absolutely do believe he has "magical discipline"

I think Carmack has been able to consistently work these extended hours his entire career because he's always had the chance to work on really interesting problems that excite him. I can also work long hours for extended periods of time when that's the case. The burnout for me comes in when the work feels pointless, and I have no autonomy. That's when I can barely even put 8 hours in without my entire body and mind shutting down.

Exactly. He is intrinsically motivated because he is always working on things that appeal to him. He found his passion. That is the most relevant thing. Those of us who have no passions and yet still have the skills to work in similar fields have to find another way to make it work...

Insert the passion(energy) in yourself. You have no choice if you have to grind through things you don't want to. Every human experiences some type of "grind" , although to different degrees. I acknowledge the difficulty but you do have to make it work or then life sucks lol

I have no idea how to do that and I’ve never seen someone even suggest that’s possible

wtf the podcast also in 5 hours? really? II can;t barely focus on fully consuming 1 hour podcast

Yeah, John Carmack can also literally talk for hours on a small prompt

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