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BananaProd: Sell your products on your website in 7 minutes flat (bananaprod.com)
35 points by thibaut_barrere on Nov 20, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Wow, the privacy statement is a google doc and the contact form is provided by a third party service, too. For a company that wants to me to process vital information using their service, that's a bit.. strange :-)


I do understand your concern. However, the service isn't formally launched yet and everything is being finalized, including migration of forms and documents. We are expecting to launch in a few days.

It's a great tagline, but I'm not sure how it works?

To me, saying something doesn't need "any technical skills" shouldn't have to mean inserting a line of code onto a file on a server. For the lay person, that's pretty technical.

I'm sure it's a good product, but I feel as if there's a disconnect between 7 minute, 3 click, no technical skills and a service that offers and a fully featured CRM, digital delivery and shopping cart system.

Can it really be everything to all sellers?

Real basic question the webpage overlooks: is this software I download and install or a web service? And if it's a service -- what does the membership area look like? How customizable is it?


It is a web service. As we are still finalizing everything before the official launch (which happens in a few days), we are doing our best to make the membership area be as customizable as possible.

I think a more basic question is how much is this service. They mention that the service is a subscription, but how much is it?


All rates would be available in a few days when we launch the service officially. We will keep everyone posted. Thanks.

Interesting, but I confess skepticism. It almost sounds like something for nothing.

I don't want to be a downer, but I would want to see some companies using it before I bit on this one.

How much does it cost? I saw no mention of that during my three scans.

When will you offer a payment processor that isn't Paypal?

That's a lot of text above the fold. Of the 7 minutes, I bet 5 is spent reading that landing page.

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