Do we actually have effective strategies for dealing with significant over-generation? The author glosses over it as being necessary to get to 98% renewables throughout the year ("we'll just run our hydro dams in reverse"), but I'm under the impression that over-generation that is unhandled leads to grid instability/desync.
PV can be throttled instantly to anything down to 0. Otherwise no offgrid setup would be feasible.
You can mandate smart control signals to PV inverters or don't do anything and let the frequency go up so even inverters installed today will start cutting power as this is a requirement from grid code.
Wind has a bigger lag (seconds) but it has brakes to save them in storms.
I have a contract that uses nordpool spot market prices that are known ahead for each hour for the next day. I have PV on my roof and an EV. The price volatility is just insane between 2 and 4000 EUR/MWh so 2000x in the last week alone. So I finally connected a smallish house battery (about 14kWh) last week and by purely arbitrage I’ve made about 100 euros in the week. Even with an 8kW feed in cap and such a tiny battery.