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> a two-wheeled cargo bikes are much easier to cycle than three-wheeled cargo bikes.

See video "The Car-Replacement Bicycle (the bakfiets)"

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQhzEnWCgHA

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_bike#Long_John_bicycle

It’s worth noting that the two-wheeler demonstrated in this video is an old-style one with wheels just attached at the box. The Butchers and Bicycles one linked by the grandparent post is one with an actual steering at the front - the box and the bike will lean into a corner, just like a two-wheeler would.

This makes modern 3-wheelers much more agile. They still have certain disadvantages- they’re wide and bulky, you’ll have trouble avoiding potholes etc., but they’re nowhere as bad as those boxes with wheels (tough you can still buy those - their upside is their low price)

Thanks, that was a good video. I'm more sold on cargo bikes now (though unfortunately I doubt they're much use in my climate in winter)

"Why Canadians Can't Bike in the Winter (but Finnish people can)":

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU

Yeah, I've been linked this before in another thread. But somebody there also provided the statistics: even in the "capital of winter biking", about 22% of trips are taken by bike. Which makes bikes a valid alternative, but not a main solution.

The same channel has other videos about biking in winter. But I of course don't know where you live and what you would use them for.

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