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Consumer demand is the only reason why we don't have many bicycle models on the market that keep the rider dry. You don't sweat on an electric bike.

Or golf carts. If cities would allow them on the streets, they would be a great way to start transitioning away from cars.

Try not to sweat on a electric bike when the average temperature is 35 degrees Celsius, on average.

You sweat only from thinking about moving out of the shade.

Electric bicycle are poor alternative to e-motorbikes, and even the wind at 120 km/h does little help regarding warm weather.

When was the last time you rode an electric bike in summer? Unless humidity is also very high I find it much more pleasant than just walking. You can't compare it to riding a motorcycle because you're not clad in leather from head to toe.

Most southern countries in Europe people aren't clad in leather when driving motorbikes, the most crazy ones might even only have a bathing suit as clothes when going around the traditional Summer vacation regions.

How is it possible that people drive motorbikes in southern countries when it's literally torture to be outside in warm weather?

People need to move regardless of the weather conditions, so they pick what makes it comfortable to do so.

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