I work for a non-profit medical group, and we have pediatricians in our group.
Starting in March 2020, due to, well, you know, all of our doctors started doing consultations via video chat and picture-enabled text messaging. This service continues to this day, particularly for our most vulnerable patients (which included, until very recently, children under five who could not be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus).
Children come down with a lot of things that look strange to parents, especially new parents who have never had a child before. Especially parents who are staying home with their children to avoid a new (that's where the "novel" part of "novel coronavirus" comes from) disease that they don't want to give to themselves or their kids.
What you've advocated for is a world where parents can't communicate with doctors except by showing up in person. This is something we demonstrably do not want for a whole host of reasons. For a period of almost a year, unless you were basically bleeding from an artery or your arm was hanging by a thread, you could not see a doctor in person, at least not through our group.
It should be common sense that we are intelligent, thinking beings with the ability to discern right from wrong and that those are not binary choices. There are myriad reasons why someone might take a photo of a naked child that are free of malicious intent and, legally, are perfectly valid. Medical assistance is just one of them.
I never said that I advocate for making the production / transmission of certain types of photos illegal.
Personally, I advocate for freedom of speech, but I recognize that there exists laws currently that restrict it in America. I say that it is common sense because that is the one thing you aren't allowed to post on the internet. Everything else you can get away with.
Starting in March 2020, due to, well, you know, all of our doctors started doing consultations via video chat and picture-enabled text messaging. This service continues to this day, particularly for our most vulnerable patients (which included, until very recently, children under five who could not be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus).
Children come down with a lot of things that look strange to parents, especially new parents who have never had a child before. Especially parents who are staying home with their children to avoid a new (that's where the "novel" part of "novel coronavirus" comes from) disease that they don't want to give to themselves or their kids.
What you've advocated for is a world where parents can't communicate with doctors except by showing up in person. This is something we demonstrably do not want for a whole host of reasons. For a period of almost a year, unless you were basically bleeding from an artery or your arm was hanging by a thread, you could not see a doctor in person, at least not through our group.
It should be common sense that we are intelligent, thinking beings with the ability to discern right from wrong and that those are not binary choices. There are myriad reasons why someone might take a photo of a naked child that are free of malicious intent and, legally, are perfectly valid. Medical assistance is just one of them.