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But how do you caps lock ?

I usually do both shifts together for Caps Lock. I basically never use it anyway.

In my case, I have a physical Escape key, but use Caps as my "hyper" key to interact with the WM.

If you're using X11, the incantation goes into your keyboard config (the last one is what's of interest):

    % cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-custom-kbd.conf
    Section "InputClass"
      Identifier "keyboard defaults"
      MatchIsKeyboard "on"

      Option  "XKbModel" "pc105"
      Option  "XKbLayout" "us"
      Option  "XKbVariant" "mac"

      Option  "XKbOptions" "shift:both_capslock"

I remapped caps lock to control many years ago in Tweaks, Keyboard & Mouse, Additional Layout Options, Caps Lock Behavior. I can enable caps lock by pressing both shift keys and disable it by pressing any shift.

I would rather know: why do you caps lock?

I think many if not most people never use it at all.

Even FORTRAN has come to accept the existence of lower case characters nowadays.

Remapping a combination of the windows key + another key like a backspace to Caplock gets the job done for me. Even shift + caplock would also solve the problem


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