My only issue with doing the full-on module pattern is that, coming from a Python/Ruby background, I've stopped caring about the notion of private vs protected vs public, especially when considering testing. In other languages (like Java) I can add a dash of reflection magic in my unit-tests to get to hidden components, but that seems to be impossible using Javascript's module pattern. Take this snippet for example:
var Module = (function() {
var baz;
function foo(x) {
baz = x;
return {
bar: function() {
There are several variations of the pattern, but that's the basic gist of it. Once it becomes non-trivial, how do I test foo? How do I verify baz's state? Furthermore, if I wanted to extend this with one of Javascript's sub-class implementations, how would my new slightly-different "bar" be able to use "foo"?
Besides my general opinion of private variables and methods being unnecessary, unless someone has a good fix for those two problems, I'll never consider using the module pattern in any code that I write.
One handy thing to remember for this is that Backbone.js is a library, not a framework ... you call it, it doesn't call you. If you already have a good method of organizing, namespacing and loading your JavaScript, you should be able to get your Models and Views to play along nicely.
I've had a great experience using to organise Backbone applications. Separates everything out as this article suggests and adds a nice entry point to get started from. It's not as lightweight as organising things on your own, as it introduces CoffeeScript and Stylus into the mix. If you're happy with these technologies though it works quite well.
I am working on a follow up post, where you will see how complicated these systems get. Its not trivial nor foundational for anyone looking on how to structure a project.
Edit: There is a pull request that would make using at least jQuery/Backbone/Underscore easier to use together, but it has n't been pulled yet. Writing posts on stuff that just works, is better than trying to convince developers to hand write wrappers for every lib they want to include.
Besides my general opinion of private variables and methods being unnecessary, unless someone has a good fix for those two problems, I'll never consider using the module pattern in any code that I write.