.class, .anotherClass, .yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {color:blue;}
That's no better, because you have to duplicate your selectors. You end up with stuff like:
.yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {border: pink solid 1px;}
.anotherClass, .yetSomeOther {margin: 5px;}
.yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {margin: 1px;}
Basically if you follow this model you have to have a line for every single property you want to style. It's unmaintainable, and increases the size of your CSS files.
.class, .anotherClass, .yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {color:blue;}
That's no better, because you have to duplicate your selectors. You end up with stuff like:
.class, .anotherClass, .yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {color:blue;}
.yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {border: pink solid 1px;}
.anotherClass, .yetSomeOther {margin: 5px;}
.yetSomeOther .moreSpecificTarget {margin: 1px;}
Basically if you follow this model you have to have a line for every single property you want to style. It's unmaintainable, and increases the size of your CSS files.