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>see some research...spaced repetition into our actual education system.< I have followed the research in this area closely for several years. Most of the (excellent) foundational research was done by university psychology professors who used college students as subjects; it's much harder for them to use primary school students, hence far less research with young learners. Implementing these techniques in elementary schools is more challenging then many would guess. Two good books: "Make it Stick" Brown, Roediger, McDaniel; "Powerful Teaching" Agarwal & Bain. PM me if you'd like more info. The second book describes research with middle school students. Pooja Agarwal also hosts the informative site www.retrievalpractice.org which informs K-12 teachers and has lots of free downloads. I am involved in a startup that is beginning (pilot teachers in September) to implement spaced repetition for elementary school math.

I'm interested in this, but you don't have any contact info in your profile. HN itself doesn't have a messaging feature, so you have to leave an email address or something there. If you'd rather just message me my address is in my profile.

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