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And if you min/max in that way, you're likely going to be introducing some other problem (perhaps one that takes a long time to recognize) into your complex biological system which is accustomed to having a variety of inputs.

Granted, for non-plant protein, small/young sardines are probably the best. Not only do you get fish oil, but you get load of calcium which is difficult to get elsewhere unless you consume a lot of dairy.

Beef and eggs are trickier, because their downsides tend to be related to how they are produced/raised. Also there's the animals in captivity factor which does not scale well (or humanely).

Pumpkin seeds are an amazing source of protein (and some other minerals which we don't normally get much of). Dried, I think they taste horrible. But roasted with a little seasoning, they are quite nice. And they can be added to other dishes to give extra texture.

Chickpeas are good. Peas are good. Cashews and peanuts are good.

And if you consume a variety of vegetables, you can get the complete assortment of amino acids (so usable protein).

There is virtually no way someone could get fat from eating the foods I have listed. If they do, then they have some other underlying health issue or a gut biome that's way out of whack (which most of ours are pretty far out).

Way too much fiber in that diet -- you'll end up pooping a lot more and you'll probably also fart. If you stick to a meat-only diet then you will literally never fart.

Also, you might be able to get protein from plants, but you won't get protein with all the amino acids in the appropriate ratios unless you combine different plant sources, thereby increasing your overall calorie consumption because those additional amino acids will be accompanied with carbs if they are plant-based.

So you'll just end up under-nourished if you try to follow a plant-based diet. You may not end up obese, but you're not going be as strong and healthy as you would be if you ate only red meat.

The reason it's so difficult, to almost impossible to get fat on those foods you have listed. Is because you'll become too full to overeat. Not only is it healthier for plethora of reasons. But you'll eat less.

On top of that, if eating for long enough your gut biome will change and you'll start craving whole food.

"yes, plain broccoli for the win"

You must fart a lot with all that fiber in your diet. One of the blessings of switching to a diet that is appropriate for human beings is that your digestive system will operate a lot more smoothly and you'll stop farting so much. You basically never fart on a diet of only red meat. Also, a red-meat-only diet has far more vitamins and other micronutrients than a plant-based diet.

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