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Kashrut doesn't says that one need to cook meat, the only exception is being liver, which requires special preparation.

So beef carpaccio, or steak tartar are perfectly Kosher. Exception are Ethiopian Jews who traditionally don't eat popular Ethiopian raw meat dishes.

IMO if something can't be eaten raw - it's best to be avoided in any form.

>> if something can't be eaten raw - it should be avoid in any form.

Some foods are changed by cooking. For example, kidney beans must never be eaten raw, but are tasy and nutritious cooked.

It's probably best to avoid all beans altogether.

The only exceptions are: coffee beans for espresso and cocoa beans for dark chocolate ;)

Beans and legumes are some of the healthiest foods you can eat, being high in both fiber and a range of beneficial phytonutrients. There is no high-quality evidence that lectins in properly prepared beans cause any health problems.

Could you expand on that?

The sources you provide say that a) cooking inactivates the lectins, b) there is no strong evidence of long term adverse effects in humans.

Hard to trust google on such a query.

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