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Japan’s government launches competition to get people drinking (theguardian.com)
13 points by phonon on Aug 18, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This seems like incomplete thinking to me. So they intend to raise total tax revenue by 1% by getting people to drink more. But won't all that drinking cause healthcare costs of an equal or larger amount?

Don't worry, the campaign also encourages people to drink "appropriately"!

The older generations were hardcore drinkers in Japan but they seem to be doing just fine, living long and healthy etc… I think most of our woes in the west is due to our supper shitty diet, lack of community and lack of exercise

Well as a second order effect one should consider its positive impact on birthrates. ;)

They also have the problem that their population is in decline, so perhaps more drunken accidents might be a small band-aid.

Not to mention that all those hangovers the next morning might easily reduce economic productivity by more than 1% too!


I wonder if encouraging people to participate in this may also be because they're running out of new humans..

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