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Wokwi – Simulate IoT Projects in the Browser (wokwi.com)
124 points by pykello on Aug 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Really fantastic interview with Uri here at The Amp Hour: https://theamphour.com/599-an-interview-with-uri-shaked-wokw...

It's quite a contrast to their previous interview with the creator of LTSpice: https://theamphour.com/196-an-interview-with-mike-engelhardt...

Uri the founder is famous in the local scene for his Salsa dancing and horse grooming hobbies.

Wokwi is open source, it is used mostly by educators and enthusiasts and it’s not being developed in the traditional startup sense - they’re (him, Ariela and others) working on it full time but didn’t raise any money and are focusing on delivering value and being useful before spending marketing money. It’s quite a contrast to the local culture.

There is also a discord and FB group. Be sure to check out his other projects and stuff he is pretty multidisciplinary.

There is also a project to launch your project from CLI into wokwi instead of using the web ui for wokwi (with integration into cargo). You can even use gdb.


Very cool project. I was curious if it would simulate frying the board when you short circuit the power pins but didn't see anything happen. This quote from the docs is right but should probably come with a disclaimer that what works in the simulation may destroy your hardware in reality.

"Mistakes are okay. You can't destroy the virtual hardware. Trust us, we tried. So don't worry about frying your precious components. And unlike real hardware, you can always undo."

I’m wondering where the code ‘runs’ is it in the browser or on the cloud. For example if I have an app that connects to MQTT can I connect to a private broker inside my network

I've seen this used for some really in-depth stuff. If it had some more modules emulated and a nice tutorial this would be perfect for young engineers too.

This is awesome. Is it open source?

It's all out in the open my dude https://github.com/orgs/wokwi/repositories

I don’t think the esp32 simulator is open, although the avr8 and pico ones are

The website looks lovely with the usual wonky logo, subtitle in a sans serif font, links to stuff and silky smooth scrolling over stuff. Cracking images that must have taken a while to create for buttons and a Google-esque search errr email address harvester close to the top.

So why ... oh ... https://docs.wokwi.com/?utm_source=wokwi which is squirreled away off to the top right.

Your site is absolutely cool as fuck but a bit crap for a first time user. How on earth do I get to work out what is what? You might put an overlay in a tasteful shade of a tasteful colour for a first time user with links and text boxes with information, then set a cookie to avoid it in future. IDK.

I'm not joking when I say cool as fuck. It really is lovely but please get the value prop over to a 52 y/o Brit (wot owns an IT company) and other strange minorities!

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