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I would argue that human creativity is also recombination of existing images/thoughts/experiences. There is no ghost in the machine who comes up with novel ideas that didn't exist before. Everything new is just a combination of old ideas combined in new ways.

That's a bleak view of humanity. I think there's a "spark" in actual humans, who will take content in a completely different direction than something ever seen before. Think Time Cube (https://timecube.2enp.com/). Or Neil Breen movies. I just don't think an AI could ever put together something quite like that.

I agree with your assertion, but the Time Cube site seems like the worst possible example.

It strikes me as being as close to machine generated content as possible. I'm not sure I could have thought of any single thing that felt more like a GPT3 fever dream: disconnected assertions that are divorced from a underpinning understanding.

So if we fed an AI with Beethoven we'd get to Miles Davis and 2Pac?

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