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To be fair, I think most everyone agrees that XR is the future, not VR. XR could easily take the replacement.

Isn't VR a type of XR?

VR is the world real-world excluding half of XR. Excluding the world is often not desirable, which is why VR, alone, definitely isn't the future.

over/under 2040 ?

Under. Way under.

Google Glass's spectacular failure had a chilling effect on the entire industry, but it failed due to (1) lack of killer apps, (2) poor aesthetics, and (3) consumer concern about privacy.

But ML has revolutionized image and video processing, Apple etc. could design a less hideous headset, and nobody cares about privacy anymore.

> could design a less hideous headset, and nobody cares about privacy anymore.

I think it would help to not make most of the promotional material about video recording, and not make a huge camera the most visible feature. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Quest lineup, including rumored Cambria and Apple renders, obscure the forward looking cameras.

Google Glass picture, which looks like a webcam on your face: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/19/google-gl...

> I think it would help to not make most of the promotional material about video recording, and not make a huge camera the most visible feature.

The Snapchat glasses, as well as the Instagram/RayBan glasses don't seem to have suffered from having a prominent camera, which suggests there was a change in mass acceptance of cameras.

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