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If you're an innovator and think along this trend, then you're fighting the fight in the trenches where Facebook and TikTok are already embedded and winning, and AI already promises to win the next round.

For me, the question is where can there be a shift that causes the existing competition to become derailed altogether? And how can you help induce such a change, and ride the wave?

For example, imagine a social shift away from the "online all the time" trend to "hanging out with people IRL", riding the end-of-covid wave.

Such shifts are more likely to happen due to legislation and lawsuits than people voluntarily opting out of using FB/TikTok. (Similar to how the Sackler family was responsible for the opioid crisis which was only brought under control by government action.)

> the opioid crisis which was only brought under control by government action

"Coming wave of opioid overdoses ‘will be worse than ever been before’" Source: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/07/coming-wave-of...

I guess there's still work to be done if this is the government having things "under control."

If there is such a shift, it will be a paradigm shift and very difficult to predict before it happens.

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