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Sounds like it might be like a time share at scale for permanent housing. Whatever the case, a few connected people will make money on it and it’ll likely make housing worse somehow.

I can’t believe this degenerate can start billion dollar companies left and right and honest people are constantly getting told we’re asking for too much to have things like work life balance or decent pay.

I’ll giggle like a school girl someday when the other shoe drops and the rich are being eaten.

>I can’t believe this degenerate can start billion dollar companies left and right

Don't know how he manages to raise money. Who in his connections would risk such huge investments? Is it some kind of money laundering or something?

It's not so much money nowadays. The value of money went way down past 5-10 years.

It's just 10 people after a $1B exit allocating 10% of their assets. Sounds crazy, but that's this guy's social circle. Really underlines how important is networking in business.

10 billionaires investing 10% of their assets is actually pretty crazy.

Seriously, I would love to learn his networking skills. With all that trust and funding this guy is set.

Lemmy is looking up on us and smiling in eager anticipation

If you're concerned about "work life balance", you're probably the rich that would be eaten.

What the fuck are you talking about? Everyone wants to have a personal life outside of work. The poor can’t have it because the rich burn billions trying to start yet another rent seeking leech company.

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