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Show HN: Octarchive – Back up all repos on a GitHub account locally (github.com/pojntfx)
6 points by pojntfx on Aug 14, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hey HN! I just released Octarchive, a simple tool to back up all repos on a GitHub/Gitea account to a local folder written in Go. If you're worried about loosing your FLOSS work, but are can't keep up with manually mirroring all the repositories, this might be the tool you're looking for.

I'd love to get your feedback :)

Yes! This is needed since I was always worrying about “what if my account get banned”. It doesn’t mean I’ll violate some rules on purpose, just an worry of the ownership of data nowadays.

This tool looks helpful. Will give it a try.

Thats super useful!

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