Jitsi beats everything. I've set up meetings with first-timers and
total technophobes by sending a single URL. The UI and performance is
no worse than any other contender like Zoom or Teams. Nobody I've
connected with using Jitsi had any problems figuring the "intuitive"
interface in a few seconds.
The URL can be an ordinary long string or random sequence like
Remember though: meet.jit.si, like other WebRTC video conferencing
tools is nothing but a coordination point/SIP, a rendezvous server
that then connects you peer-to-peer via the protocol for 1-2-1 calls or
a Videobridge for groups. Unlike Teams and Zoom though, you can set up
your own, which is a significant security and performance value-add.
Since it is browser based (webrtc), the implementation is mostly browser based. You can expect the same audio/video as you get with google meet or teams, which are using the same tech.
One or one calls should be using direct peer to peer connection thanks to webrtc.
Group calls will be routed by the server, so latency will be an issue depending on the server location.