pique comes from (Vulgar) Latin piccare, which means "prick with a sword". The route to English is via French.
peak comes from Old English pīc, meaning just "peak" (e.g. of a mountain).
The two are completely different words that just sound similar.
pique may possibly go back to Proto-Germanic, and peak does, but the two go back to two separate words (*pīkaz, *pikkāre) though both are then related to sharp things and possibly onomatopoeic.
peak comes from Old English pīc, meaning just "peak" (e.g. of a mountain).
The two are completely different words that just sound similar.
pique may possibly go back to Proto-Germanic, and peak does, but the two go back to two separate words (*pīkaz, *pikkāre) though both are then related to sharp things and possibly onomatopoeic.