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Ask HN: What are some interesting examples of visual programming?
3 points by kaveh808 on Aug 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I am developing a new 3D graphics and animation system written in Common Lisp.

Almost all 3D systems today have node graphs for setting up scenes. I am interested in finding ways of generalizing this into visual programming. I am aware of the term is nebulous and up for debate, but was curious if anyone had suggestions of interesting previous work along such lines, whether in 3D graphics or other domains.

DRAKON (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRAKON) is a visual programming language and tool chain designed for producing high reliability software. One of its first uses was in the Soviet space shuttle Buran, which performed a fully automated launch, orbital flight and safe landing under software control.

It can feel a bit constrained compared to other visual programming languages but it’s quite powerful, and there are multiple output languages, with DRAKON compiling down to code in another language like Erlang, Python or C, code written with DRAKON can be integrated within larger projects. The downside is it’s kinda low level, the number of charts you need for doing an entire program can be quite large. Overall it’s a great example of how visual programming can be low level and rigorous without the proprietary lock in you see with other visual programming tools for industrial control. ( The Wikipedia page for visual programming has quite a lot of examples https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_programming_language )

I find this very interesting. Does anyone know of more work in this vein?


Max is an example of using node graphs to do audio/visual programming.


Apple Xcode interface builder.

Unreal game engine blueprint system.

Nintendo labo toycon garage.

That's all I got.

Scratch is one popular example: https://scratch.mit.edu/

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