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I've picked up a lot of (human) languages over my life, and I've used SRS to great effect (I started on JMemorize, a now defunct Java app.) I have a simple strategy:

1. Read a text

2. Lookup unknown word/grammatical pattern

3. Create a flashcard for it

4. Apply SRS

and it works great. I've also tried to use other people's Anki decks and they've never worked particularly well. Personally engaging with the material is still the prerequisite for memorizing it, but memorizing means you don't need to struggle to figure out basic concepts constantly and can instead move onto the higher level of meaning.

I've used SRS over the years for many, many things. I've used it for memorizing divisibility rules, used it for annoying math lemmas, used it for data structures, and more. Each of the time I've attempted the material by myself and then turned my knowledge/engagement into a flashcard. I've even considered using it to learn tools like Blender so I can dial in workflows.

> I've even considered using it to learn tools like Blender so I can dial in workflows.

I've used it effectively for vim and photoshop.

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