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Thanks for the kind mention!

I am Stephane, the person behind that website/project. I see a lot of people having concerns about the title - Background Sound Canceller - and they are right. That title is not mine, but poster's own.

I describe my project as "Background Noise Generators", or sometimes as as "Non-Distracting Noises and Music".

They are not sound cancellers but sound maskers.

The idea is to create a noise you like, to mask a sound that you don't want to hear. Your colleagues, tinnitus, ... anything.

Because these noise generators are designed to be non-distracting, there is a big chance that your brain will not even hear them after a couple of minutes... but they will keep masking the nuisance you wanted to het rid of in the first place. That is the magic exploited by the project. Create these sonic "focus bubbles".

Happy listening.

Stephane is AMAZING. Years ago (2014) I noticed a point in one of the rain noise platters that had too much of an obvious pitch component, so that it was too easy to identify it when it repeated. Stephane edited the platter within a couple days to fix the problem!

That's great! Reminds me of my own "random noise that isn't random" accidental fixation. There is a "water dripping" sound that I first noticed in Quake, no doubt sourced from a popular sound effects library, that I now hear television and movies all the time because of a pattern of pitches it uses.

Thank you for all you do. "Irish Coast" used to put baby no.3 to sleep like a miracle. No.4 preferred "White Rain".

Thank you for the app! I use it every single night to drown out the POS bird that screams outside of my window as I’m trying to sleep.

I strongly empathize with you, this and the fast-and-furious truck drivers at 5am. I need to check this out.

Ok, we've changed the title now. Thanks!

(Submitted title was "MyNoise – Background Sound Canceller".)

Your app is also great to help get to sleep. I find if my thoughts are too active when I'm trying to sleep, then having some soothing sound like rain to focus on is a great help. It also has a stop timer so it won't go on all night.

I love this thing and have spent many hours making elaborate setups, wonderful work!

Thank you for MyNoise! It's a must-have homescreen app on all my phones. Works perfectly for me on planes and trains, especially in combination with noise-cancelling headphones.

Thanks Stephane,

We use this app on all of our devices for helping the kids (and ourselves) to sleep. My only concern is that they will grow up dependent on it!

Thank you so much for making mynoise. I have used it for years, and keep recommending it to friends and family. Your work is much appreciated.

Thank you Stephane for MyNoise! Your site is very valuable to me. I hope it never disappears. I'll continue to donate periodically.

As others have said, thanks for this project! This site is possibly the GOAT of the ambient background noise genre.

Huge fan since the beginning. Has gotten me through insomnia, high stress, and so much more.

It’s amaing and great to experiment with. Have had the ios app for at least a year or more.

Long time listener and patron, love your work Stephane! You’re work is a blessing

Thanks for a great product! Have been using it for many years.

> I see a lot of people having concerns about the title

The title, font choice, advert presence/absence and the incorrect monetisation choice are are going to come up.

If you chuck in a gender neutral pronoun you might momentarily distract the pack.

Thanks for the great masking rain album!

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