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"People fright at the concept of losing their money, yet they slave away their time without a second thought."

-Seneca the Younger, from Letters from a Stoic (highly recommended)

I think slaving away doing something you hate is far more harmful than "wasting" time having fun. I get more out of playing hacky sack and/or listening to podcasts than any homework or school work.

So, in relation to this article, I think we should maybe consider "losing time" as doing anything that you deeply don't want to do but are doing just to get more money.

The relationship between time and money is a fascinating one. Great article PG.

> I get more out of playing hacky sack and/or listening to podcasts than any homework or school work.

Maybe you're studying the wrong thing?

I'm in high school. I'm not knocking education, I'm very thankful for it.

I read the article as complaining that these things felt like work but weren't work, precisely because they weren't generating any money.

>> I get more out of playing hacky sack and/or listening to podcasts than any homework or school work.

Do you? How do you know? Certainly it feels more fun, maybe you feel less stressed afterwards, but does this bias your decision making? Certainly in the long term you could be wrong.

I feel this way about working for other people.

If I'm going to slave away for 8+ hours/day on something, I would rather have it make me rich than someone else.

Great Seneca quote. Puts into perspective bloggers' tendency to think that repackaging old conventional wisdom can pass for actual wisdom.

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