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Do what, exactly? Google has already stated multiple times that Microsoft doesn't have a leg to stand on. Microsoft hasn't brought any claims against Google, just people who implement the phones.

Google could probably sue Microsoft for slander, but again, Microsoft hasn't been going around telling the world that Android is infringing on it's patents. They, Microsoft, just go to the manufacturing companies, and even then they are making sure that manufacturing companies sign NDAs to keep the information from going out into the public.

And Google can't sue them to say, 'Tell me what you got.' Because that is fishing, and a form of intimidation, I think. I don't know the right legal term for it, but I do know you can't do it. So Google's hands seem to have been tied up until this point. Now that there are some information in the public, maybe they'll do something now.

Google is partially involved via the Motorola merger agreement (which forbids settling Motorola's patent disputes with Apple and Microsoft, IIRC) and will fully involved once the merger closes, of course.

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