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Autocorrect has a way of avoiding spicy language and replacing it with something unrelated. Me, I'm tired of this ducking shot.

As I recall, there's a workaround somewhere for that. I too find it irritating that my phone manufacturer would decide they need to censor my language. If I want to use the F word, that's my business. Autocorrect used to just be mildly annoying and humorous. In the last few years it has evolved to infuriating. And it can be so persistent, too. Used to be just back up and retype and it would leave you alone, but much of the time now it just keeps on trying to 'correct' what I'm typing.

Is there a way to change it so autocorrections are shown as suggestions rather than done automatically? I haven't used iOS in a few years, but I recall being frustrated with the default autocorrect implementation.

On other devices/keyboards (SwiftKey for example) I type a word and if it thinks I might mean something else, it shows up in a row of 3 suggestions above the keyboard. If it's correct, I tap the suggestion and it replaces whatever I'd actually typed.

Makes for easy fixes and only adds an extra "tap" if I see a mistake that needs to be corrected. Either way, beats backing up and retyping or jumping through hoops to remove "ducking" from the dictionary.

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