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This video is hilarious (like many on that channel). What cracks me up is the little jokes you can miss unless you pause some frames, like

"...but not before I read my blogs" --> "What Ancient Mayans Can Teach You About Living Your Best Life"

"and journal about creativity" --> "sleep retrospective, epiphanies: 0"

The production value is just immaculate. Every frame is so clearly meticulously constructed to portray the emptiest imaginable life. A man going nowhere at maximum speed, really more of an absence than a man. It's so very close to being too painful to be funny, and I've never even believed in the grind. Just pity for a wretched soul.

Probably the most production value they put into a video was their Virtual Coachella one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=67sfZfreOrU

Which has way fewer views than it deserves, possibly for algorithm reasons because it was given a cease & desist by actual Coachella https://mobile.twitter.com/EFF/status/1373006482397032449

They have so many other good ones - “Microservices”, “Senior Engineer”, “Ballmercon”, “Computertime with Gooch” are still my favourites.

I had the pleasure of working with an old school engineer (worked at Microsoft, a few little start-ups, and I believe IBM, starting in the mid-eighties). After I showed him Senior Engineer, he'd drop quotes constantly. "I've slain...my enemies"

Computertime with Gooch is probably the weirdest and funniest, but I Have Delivered Value has me in stitches every time. Every time my any of my friends runs into an inconvenience, I ask if it's a blocker, and if it will prevent the KPIs of their life from growing quarter over quarter. Though actually, considering our narrator's ennui is preventing Galactus from knowing the end of the universe and thus from getting user info, maybe he should be a little more focused on deliverables

Virtual Coachella is a hilarious take on a dystopian hellscape (not far from our present time). I love it. Like a Black Mirror episode, only condensed so that every single second is brilliant and packed with jokes.

> A man going nowhere at maximum speed, really more of an absence than a man.

Dude, that's a beautiful summary not only of the video but of the entire productivity cult.

It's like Portlandia for software developers.

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