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why would anybody want to be unhealthy and unproductive? what is to be gained from those two characteristics?

I don't think that's a reasonable take on the comment you're replying to.

The answer to mindless obsession with health, productivity and success fads for entrepreneurs is not to become unhealthy and unproductive.

Though, on that note, what do these "productivity" and "success" even mean? Why is being extremely productive a worthy goal? Leisure is good, too.

Fun. The answer is fun.

But obviously, it's not that you have fun eating because you're unhealthy, it's that you're unhealthy because you eat stuff for enjoyment.

Similarly, being unproductive isn't fun in itself, but having fun means almost by definition not being productive. If a hobby is productive, it's not really a hobby.

There is a whole world of lucrative fun out there.

One thing about a livelihood though: it's never fun all the time.

The same is true of many serious hobbies however.

Fun certainly doesn't have to be productive, nor is it an antonym.

What is fun these days? Maybe fun is being productive, working out, and making money.

How many hobbies really beat the dopamine hit of ADHD-tweaked TikTok?

"Fun" is a too short termed word i think... "happieness" would perhaps be better:

Riding a sailboat hard on the wind, watching the foam of the waves splatter onto the deck...

Reading a book in a comfy chair, only accompanied by the sounds of a fire...

Learning something new that changes your worldview completely...

Cooking together with your partner...

Watching your children grow...

"Fun"... "fun" is short lived like the buzz you get from a glass of good whiskey, i would say its better to strive for happieness

> What is fun these days?

Fun can be many things, and it's definitely not constrained to being "productive".

What does being productive even mean to you?

If you do everything productivity porn tells you to do, you probably won't be "successful" anyway, and you'll live an empty, Patrick Batesman life.

The more interesting take to me is that to live a meaningful life, you probably want to do a lot of things that are not labeled "productive", and take paths that are not labelled as "healthy".

For most of us the core of our life doesn't fit into neat categories, and trying to throw away stuff that aren't "productive" wouldn't help.

The opposite of these people is not necessarily "unhealthy and unproductive".

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