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Meta point: Reading this article was productivity porn.

Only if you don’t follow its advice!

> Meta point

Meta porn

I was listening to Zuckerberg's internal Facebook memo to employees and they're really going all out on VR, they think it'll go big, trying to generate monopolistic effects by subsidizing their VR hardware so that more people buy in, and buying VR studios.

Porn. Just give people meta porn

They can't. The money is in ads, and advertisers won't touch anything that isn't family-friendly.

A startup might be able to do a decent job, but they would get booted off the app store faster than you can say a four-letter word.

Too bad there's no good way for users to write and run arbitrary code on their devices.

Yet they just increased the cost of the quest by $100

Just checked, yeah you're right! Wonder why

But reading the comments has made my day, some zingers and great references to other resources of genuine comedic value I hadn't seen before.

I love this :D


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