Unless you're going to do it for living and really invest hard into educating yourself, I don't think you should also take the investment advice from people who have been doing it for more than a decade, unless the advice is "buy index funds and HODL" (I maybe exaggerate a bit, but boiled down to the essence that'd be it). For a common person that doesn't plan to make a career out of it and spend a lot of time honing one's skills, daytrading is rarely going to pay off, IMHO. You can do it for fun, there are more expensive hobbies probably, but as a means to support yourself in the old age... well, you might get lucky. Or not.
Nah a lot of the tech and meme plays were up hundreds to thousands percent returns. Of course they were hit the hardest in the down turn, but the money making potential was pretty insane.
You should not take investment advice from people who have been doing it less than a decade. It takes time to sort out the lucky from the smart.